Pirate War

I know you guys have been waiting a LONG TIME for this. You’ve been so patient, and it’s meant so much. Pirate War is officially available for preorder. A real book, with a real blurb, and a new cover that showcases Mercy. This book has been the most...
The Romance of it All

The Romance of it All

It’s been quiet around here lately, and there’s a reason for that. My daughter got married this past weekend, and as things led up to the wedding, life got crazy busy, and very focused. The wedding was beautiful, and the bride and groom were absolutely...
Hunting Ground – Chapter One

Hunting Ground – Chapter One

The disrupter lay on the counter, the weapon’s matte finish dull beneath the lights. It was new. None of the intricate grip pattern had been worn away by the friction of hands holding it. The barrel was smooth, no nicks or scratches to the finish.  It was as...